May 29, 2008

comics and cartoons

1.Staring with a question showing the cerebrum(haha)-Whose x-ray is shown in the following picture?

2.the following picture is the first strip of which very famous comic? which country does the speaker in the following picture belong?
4.Name the kingdom(fictional-from a comic strip) in which the king, from time to time, refers to his subjects as 'idiots'.The name of the kingdom is a Freudian psychological term which represents the instinctive and primal part of the human psyche.
clue: the name of the comic strip the name of which is a play on the name of a famous children's book. another clue: you will find a clue in one of the subtitles of this blog.

5.a.a sprig of mistloe
b.a few roots
c.lobster(only added for improving the flavour)
d.four leaved clovers
e.reasonably fresh fish
f.rock oil/ beetroot juice (beetroot juice tastes better)
g.a pinch of salt
These are the supposed ingredients of what?
clue:the comic concerned in this question is the same as the one in question 3.

6.The following characters occur in which comic book?(i have not named the main chracter, as the comic book is named after him)
a.Elizabeth Cooper
b.Forsythe Pendleton Jones III
c.Reginald Mantle
d.Marmaduke Mason
Also, none of these characters are usually known in the comic by their real names stated above.They are known by their nicknames.
